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Deflection – Voice Integration with Deflection Capability to WhatsApp Chat.

“Our clients contact us via Voice channel, utilizing Lynn's voice integration through phone calls. An automated flow in Lynn checks the availability of agents in Genesys Cloud voice queues. If there's no availability, deflection to a chat channel via WhatsApp is scheduled, implementing a proactive scheduling service on that channel. The redirected interactions retain session self-service histories and can also deploy cognitive capabilities in this flow. For example, if our client asks: ‘I want to speak with an operator,’ the corresponding intention is detected, and Lynn immediately checks the voice queues' availability. If unavailable, proactive attention is scheduled on the WhatsApp channel with an available queue.”

Status: Active.

Complexity: Advanced.

Category: Omnichannelity

Use Case Description

  • Usability: Implementation of a voice deflection strategy to WhatsApp channel associated with the number reported in a phone call, incorporating cognitive functions while maintaining interaction history across channels.

  • Expected Outcome: Reduce call abandonment by diverting voice interactions to a WhatsApp channel, minimizing queue wait times by involving a messaging channel (WhatsApp) with typically longer response times (Social Media) while maximizing the benefits of asynchronous chat queue resources.

Method for Resolving the Use Case

Solution Description

  1. Prior to contracting/subscription and connecting to the target channels, a self-service flow with proactive capabilities is structured in Lynn's designer, capable of handling mixed deflections on voice and chat queues conditioned to the originating channel associated with the conversation.

  2. Upon detecting the cognitive intention associated with transferring the conversation to human management, queue availability is checked, and deflection capability to a chat channel for chat queues is integrated (can be asynchronous queues).

LYNN Components Involved

  • Messaging Gateway.

  • Voice Gateway.

  • Cognitive Module.

  • Proactive Module.

  • Channels Sandbox (for testing).

CExternal Components Involved

  • Chat engine with voice and chat management capabilities.

  • External channel subscriptions.

  • Cognitive engine.

Estimated Hours: 196 hours, referenced if executed by Lynn Core Certified Developer (LCCD).

Additional Documentation:

Documentation in the Resource Center

External Documentation

  • Channel Policies