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Request Programable Menu

Element Name: Request Programable Menu

Category: Programming

Description: Advanced extension module that allows invoking a menu entity. Values are obtained from a JSON object that has the following structure: {"val 1": "value description 1", "val 2": "value description 2"}

Functionality: This extension module can be used for the usage and overwriting of channel settings to present the menu. For example, adding an option to the menu based on a parameter queried from a client service.

For its configuration, the following parameters must be taken into account:

Request Programable Menu Configuration (Required)

Name: Unique descriptor for configuration box identification in the flow.

Configuration required to set the entity value (Required)

[Entity name obtained from an expression]: String expression where you should input the menu entity containing the question and menu options. JavaScript statements can also be written. For more information, refer to (media\

[A string expression representing the JSON object containing the menu value]: String expression where values to be evaluated are entered, following this structure: {"val 1": "value description 1", "val 2": "value description 2"}.

[Maximum failed attempts obtained from an expression]: Integer expression where you should input the number of failed attempts allowed when executing.

[Invalid value message obtained from an expression]: String expression where you should input a message to be displayed when entering an invalid value. This message must be placed within single quotes.

[If the maximum failed attempts are reached, the action flow will be interrupted, and the error description will be passed to the selected intention named 'Request_Programable_Menu_Error'.] Dropdown box identifying the intention that will be activated in case of an error.

[Overwrite channel settings to present the menu]: Select 'Yes' to confirm that you want to overwrite the defined channel configuration or select 'No' to maintain the current configuration.

[Present Menu as Text (Text), Button, or List (List)]: Dropdown list with options to present the menu; these can be text type with the Text option, button type with the Button option, or a list with the List option.

[Language to present default elements of the interactive menu]: Dropdown list with languages configured in the Lynn application.

Configuration required for Enriched Menu (Optional)

[Header type]: Dropdown list with header options for the menu to be displayed; this can be as text, video, image, document, or none of the above.

[Expression to get the Footer code]: Optional string expression where you can input a footer.

If the user selects the text, video, image, or document option, the corresponding tab is displayed for configuring the Header:

  • Text Option:

    [Expression to get the text Header code]: String expression where you should input the expression you want to evaluate.

  • Video Option:

    [Expression to get the Video Header URL]: String expression where you should input the URL associated with the video you want to incorporate.

    [Expression to get the Video Header Content Type]: String expression where you should input the content type related to the video.

    [Expression to get the Video Header File Name]: String expression where you should input the file name of the video.

  • Image Option:

    [Expression to get the Image Header URL]: String expression where you should input the URL associated with the image you want to incorporate.

  • Document Option:

    [Expression to get the Document Header URL]: String expression where you should input the URL associated with the document you want to incorporate.

    [Expression to get the Document Header Content Type]: String expression where you should input the content type related to the document.

    [Expression to get the Document Header File Name]: String expression where you should input the file name of the document.

Request Programable Menu Implementation Example

There's a need to change the menu language based on information retrieved from a service so that foreigners can view their information in another language.

-- Requirements:

List-type entity: PruebaProgMenu ß Please select an option:

1 Metropolitan Region

2 Regions

-- Input:

[Entity name obtained from an expression]: 'PruebaProgMenu'

[A string expression representing the JSON object containing the menu value]: '{"Value":"E", "Description":"US Nationality"}'

[If the maximum failed attempts are reached, the action flow will be interrupted, and the error description will be passed to the selected intention named 'Request_Programable_Menu_Error']: Error_Handler

[Overwrite channel settings to present the menu]: 'Yes'

[Present Menu as Text (Text), Button (Button), or List (List)]: List

[Language to present default elements of the interactive menu]: en

-- Result:

Please select an option:

1 Metropolitan Region

2 Regions