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Remote Session Control

Element Name: Remote Session Control

Category: Programming

Description: Triggers the selected ACTION in another session of the Tenant that matches the defined values of CRITERIA and CRITERIA_VALUE.

Functionality: Extension module that allows specific treatment for sessions whose CRITERIA and CRITERIA_VALUE are not unique.

For its configuration, the following parameters must be taken into account:

Remote Session Control Configuration (Required)

Name: Unique descriptor for configuration box identification within the flow.

[Expression to retrieve the CRITERIA from the remote session.]String Expression field where the entity where the 'CRITERIA' is stored or corresponding value must be entered.

[Expression to retrieve the CRITERIA_VALUE from the remote session.] String Expression field where the entity where the 'CRITERIA_VALUE' is stored or corresponding value must be entered.

[Intention to execute.] Dropdown list with intentions where you must select the one you want to execute within the flow.

[In case of error, the action flow will be interrupted, and the exception description will be passed to the selected intention with the name: 'Remote_Control_Error'] Checkbox where the intention to be activated in case of an error is identified.

Implementation Example

-- Requirements:

Requirements will apply only if the CRITERIA or CRITERIA_VALUE will be stored in an entity.

-- Input:

Name: TestForce

Expression to retrieve the CRITERIA from the remote session: 'session_id'

Expression to retrieve the CRITERIA_VALUE from the remote session: 'phoneNumber'

Intention to execute: Assign_priority

In case of error, the action flow will be interrupted, and the exception description will be passed to the selected intention with the name: 'Remote_Control_Error': Error_Handler

-- Result:

Upon validating that the CRITERIA and CRITERIA_VALUE meet the specified condition within the extension module, it will redirect to the configuration of the 'Assign_priority' intention.