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Request Rich Menu by Name

Element Name: Request Rich Menu by Name

Category: Variable Manipulation

Description: Invokes a request for a List-type entity from the client. The request form is enriched with additional values that enhance its appearance. Halts Lynn's control flow until the user enters the required value.

Functionality: Extension module enabling the request for a menu with rich multimedia content such as video, image, or document, specifically tailored for the WhatsApp channel.

For its configuration, consider the following parameters:

Request Rich Menu by Name Configuration (Required)

Name: Unique descriptor used for identification within the workflow.

[Name of the List-type Entity]: Dropdown list containing menu-type entities created in Lynn.

[Header Type]: Dropdown list with header options for the displayed menu, which can be text, video, image, document, or none of the above.

If the user selects text, video, image, or document, tab 4 is displayed for configuring the Header:

Text-Video-Image-Document Header Configuration (Optional)

  • Text Option:

    [Expression to obtain the text Header code]: String field where you should input the expression for the evaluation.

  • Video Option:

    [Expression to obtain the Video Header URL]: String field for entering the URL associated with the video to incorporate.

    [Expression to obtain the Content Type of the Video Header]: String field for entering the content type related to the video.

    [Expression to obtain the Video Header File Name]: String field for entering the video file's name.

  • Image Option:

    [Expression to obtain the Document Header URL]: String field for entering the URL associated with the image to incorporate.

  • Document Option:

    [Expression to obtain the Document Header URL]: String field for entering the URL associated with the document to incorporate.

    [Expression to obtain the Content Type of the Document Header]: String field for entering the content type related to the document.

[Allow Null or Empty Value]: Boolean field where 'Yes' allows null values in the selection or 'No' to retain the existing configuration.

[Maximum Failed Attempts]: Defines the number of client failed attempts. For example, if set as 3 failed attempts, the client will have three opportunities to enter the correct requested data.

[Message for Invalid Value Obtained from an Expression]: Defines a message within single quotes related to the client's incorrect data input.

[If the Maximum Failed Attempts are reached, the action flow will be interrupted, and the error description will be passed to the selected intent named 'Request_Rich_Menu_Error'.] Dropdown selection identifying the intent to be activated in case of an error.

[Override the channel settings to present the menu]: Select 'Yes' to confirm overwriting the defined channel settings or 'No' to maintain the current settings.

[Present Menu as Text (Text), Button, or List]: Dropdown list with options for presenting the menu, which can be text with the 'Text' option, button with the 'Button' option, or a list with the 'List' option.

[Language for presenting default elements of the interactive menu]: Dropdown list with languages configured in the Lynn application.

[Expression to obtain the Footer code]: Optional string field where you can input footer content.

Request Rich Menu by Name Implementation Example

-- Requirements:

You should previously create a menu-type entity: prueba_menu <--- Select one of the options:

-- Input:

Name: TestmenuRRMBN

[Name of the List-type Entity:] prueba_menu

[Header Type:] Image

[Allow Null or Empty Value:] No

[Maximum Failed Attempts:] 3

[Message for Invalid Value Obtained from an Expression:] ‘Select a valid option’

[If the Maximum Failed Attempts are reached, the action flow will be interrupted, and the error description will be passed to the selected intent named 'Request_Rich_Menu_Error'.] Error_Handler

Footer Configuration (Optional)

[Expression to obtain the Footer code]: 'Discover our services'

Image Header Configuration (Optional)

[Expression to obtain the Image Header URL]: ‘’

--- Result:

The configured image will be observed as the Header, and the menu will be set for the “prueba_menu” entity.