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Element Name: SendRichContent

Category: Programming

Description: Extension module that allows displaying enriched content based on JSON.

Functionality: It enables, for example, the display of buttons, informational cards, text lists, providing greater versatility in menu options.

Configuration The following parameters should be taken into account for its configuration:

SendRichContent Configuration (Required)

Name: Unique descriptor for the configuration box to identify the name in the flow.

[Enriched Content to Send] String Field: Expression where enriched content can be entered in JSON format that we want to present as buttons, informational cards, text lists.

[In case of an error, the action flow will be interrupted, and the exception description will be passed to the selected intent with the name: \'SendRichContent_Error\']: A selection box where the intention to be activated in case of an error is identified.

Example Implementation of SendRichContent

Example 1: The following example shows how to create a blue button that directs to a URL for ACME Bank:

"richContent": [
        "type": "button",
        "link": "",
        "text": "Ir a banco en LĂ­nea",
        "icon": {
        "color": "#295EFF",
        "type": "chevron_right"
        "event": {
        "parameters": {},
        "languageCode": "",
        "name": ""

Example 2:

"richContent": [
        "type": "chips",
        "options": [
            "text": "Tengo nacionalidad chilena"
            "text": "Tengo nacionalidad extranjera"