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Element Name: AwsEncrypt

Category: Security

Description: Encrypts text using AWS.

Functionality: Extension module enabling encryption of input text or text stored in a variable using Amazon Web Services (AWS) methodology.

Configuration for AwsEncrypt must consider the following parameters:

AwsEncrypt Configuration (Required)

Name: Unique configuration box descriptor used for identification within the workflow.

[Expression containing the text to encrypt]: String field allowing the input of text intended for encryption or the entity storing this information.

[Entity where the encryption result will be deposited]: Dropdown list indicating the location where the encryption result will be stored.

[AWS encryption key]: Field defining the AWS services key, a string of characters obtainable from the Amazon Web Services (AWS) console. This key is used for encrypting and decrypting data, adding an extra layer of security to resources stored in the AWS cloud.

[AWS access key]: Field for entering the unique credentials (AWS access key) associated with an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account. This pair consists of two parts:

Access Key ID: A unique identifier used to authenticate access requests to AWS services. It's similar to a username and aids in identifying the requesting account.

Secret Access Key: A secret key associated with the Access Key ID. It functions as a password and is used to digitally sign access requests, ensuring the authenticity of the requesting account.

[AWS secret access key]: Field to input the secret key associated with the Access Key ID.

[AWS Region]: Field for inputting the region obtained from Amazon Web Services (AWS).

For more information, visit the following AWS page

[Intent to execute in case of an error. The action flow will be interrupted, and the error description will be passed to the selected intent named 'Aws_Encrypt_Error'.] Dropdown selection identifying the intent to be activated in case of an error.

AwsEncrypt Implementation Example

-- Input:

Name: Test_AwsEncrypt

[Expression containing the text to encrypt]: test_message

[Entity where the encryption result will be deposited]: variable

[AWS encryption key]: xxxxxxxxxx

[AWS access key]: xxxxxxxxxx

[AWS secret access key]: xxxxxxxxxx

[AWS Region]: us-east-1

[Intent to execute in case of an error. The action flow will be interrupted, and the error description will be passed to the selected intent named 'Aws_Encrypt_Error'.] Error_Handler

-- Result:

Upon executing the extension module, it will evaluate the content within the “test_message” variable, proceed with the encryption process, and store the result in the “variable” entity.