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Set Entity By Name

Element Name: Set Entity By Name

Category: Variable Manipulation

Description: Basic functionality composed of configurable fields that allow setting the value of a previously created entity.

Functionality: Allows for changing the value of a previously configured entity. This value can be modified using the same entity throughout the flow.

Set Entity By Name Action Configuration Fields

[Name]: Unique descriptor of the configuration box for identification purposes in the flow.

Subset: General (required)

[Entity Scope Selector]: Allows indicating the scope of an entity between local and global.

YES: The entity can be set in any scope of the flow, i.e., any running intent.

NO: The entity can only be set in the intent where it is currently in use.

[Entity Selector]: Identifies the entity within a list of entities (previously generated) that will be used to modify its value.

[Value to Set (From an Expression)]: General expression field where a text expression must be entered to modify the previously selected entity. It is also possible to insert the name of an entity that will contain the new data.

Example 1


Entity: mensajeBienvenida

mensajeBienvenida -> (string) ‘Welcome, we are here to help you.’

Example 2

--Input from an Expression

Entity: mensajeBienvenida

mensajeBienvenida -> (string + Entity) ‘Welcome ’+ @ClientName +’, we are here to help you.’

[Allow Null or Empty Value]: Must be selected between two options YES/NO to indicate whether the entity will allow null values, i.e.,:

YES: It will allow not inserting a value in the entity, thus being able to remain null or empty.

NO: It will consider it an error for the entity to be null or empty, therefore, it must contain information.

[Error Handler]: Selection box where the intent to be activated in case of an error in the Force Execution of Cases action is identified. When an error overflow occurs, the Set_Entity_Error entity will be loaded with the error details if available.

Set Entity By Name Implementation Example


Entity: mensajeBienvenida (Type String)

System Entity: @ClientName <- Luis Arévalo

Error Handling Intent: ErrorHandler


[Scope Selector]: NO (Indicates that it will not be a global handling variable)

[Selected Entity]: mensajeBienvenida

[The Entity Value Obtained from an Expression]: ‘Welcome ’+ @ClientName +’, we are here to help you.’

[Allow Null Value]: NO

[Error Handler]: ErrorHandler


The "mensajeBienvenida" entity has been set with the string value of the welcome message obtained from the resolution of an expression, as illustrated below:

mensajeBienvenida <-- Welcome Luis Arévalo, we are here to help you.

Advanced Functions: Not declared.