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Email Solution Operation Scheme


  1. Create or access a Gmail account

    • Sign in or create your account at Gmail
  2. Email Extension Modules

  3. Kyubo

Email solution architecture with Google Gmail

The email solution, not having a conversational interaction scheme, has some particularities that need to be explained:

  1. When an email arrives, a notification is generated that generates a session in Lynn (if there is agent or queue capacity). This session does not contain email data:
    • Sender
    • Subject
    • Body
    • Attachments
  2. It is possible to obtain email data from the Lynn flow using the extension module EMailBehaviorGetMessage. This is only necessary if you want to process the email, for example:
    • Use artificial intelligence to determine the intent of the email and thus be able to transfer it to the most appropriate attention queue.
    • Determine the sentiment of the email content.
    • Obtain the relevant topics of the email.
    • Generate a predetermined response to the email, for example: Receipt confirmation.
  3. When the interaction is transferred to an executive (the use of Kyubo is suggested since its interface is optimized to work with email time interactions).
    • Possibility of editing the reply email subject
    • Possibility of viewing related emails
    • Possibility of ignoring the email and marking it as unread
    • Possibility of putting a copy in the email
    • Possibility of putting a hidden copy in the email
    • Possibility of viewing email attachments or attaching something in response to the email.
  4. The Kyubo executive has the option of performing 3 actions with the email. These actions will be interpreted as follows:

  5. Action: Commit

    • It is interpreted as the executive wants to send a response to the email.
    • It is mandatory to place the extension module: EMailBehaviorCommitMessage in the flow. This extension module has the ability to interpret the Commit action of the executive and interact with Gmail to send the response to the email.
  6. Action: Read

    • It is interpreted as the executive wants to mark the email as read, but not generate any response to it.
  7. Action: Unread

    • It is interpreted as the executive wants to mark this email as unread.
    • It is mandatory to place the extension module: EMailBehaviorCommitMessage in the flow. This extension module has the ability to interpret the Unread action of the executive and interact with Gmail to mark the email as unread.
    • It is important to understand that this action will cause the email to be captured again by Lynn and introduced into the attention flow unless there is no available processing capacity.
    • This option can be disabled in the Tenant using the EMAIL_BEHAVIOUR_CAN_SET_AS_UNREAD configuration option located in the flow designer.
    • These are the use cases for which this option could be used:

      -- When the executive wants to postpone the processing of an email due to the closing of business hours or because there is no information available to generate a response.

      -- When the executive must make an emergency disconnection of Kyubo.

General considerations of the email solution operation

  1. Lynn tries to keep the email queue in her memory to a minimum by using a capture algorithm that takes into account the number of available executives in Kyubo for the Tenant. This causes emails not to be retrieved from the mailbox in the following cases:

    • There are no connected executives
    • There are connected executives, but they do not have available capacity for attention or are in NotReady state.
  2. Default email interactions have a timeout of 4 hours. This option can be overridden using the configuration option: EMAIL_BEHAVIOR_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT located in the flow designer.

  3. If an email interaction is deleted or reaches its timeout without a response from an executive, Lynn will automatically mark it as unread.

  4. In cases where it is necessary to retrieve email interactions from the mailbox without having agent capacity available, the EMAIL_BEHAVIOUR_CAN_GET_WITH_NO_AGENT_CAPACITY configuration option located in the flow designer can be used.

Important ❕ In this case, Lynn can queue a maximum of 10 email interactions.4

Configuration in Lynn

Gmail Account (GMAIL_ACCOUNT): Field where you should enter the corresponding Microsoft 365 account to be used for this interaction.

Application Name (GMAIL_APPNAME): Field where you should enter the name of the application to be used for integration with Gmail. This name will be used to identify the application in configurations and interactions with the email inbox.

Last Gmail Inbox Read Date yyyy/MM/dd (GMAIL_LAST_READ): Field where you should enter the date of the last inbox read in 'yyyy/MM/dd' format. This date tracks from when emails are being retrieved to ensure messages received after this date are processed.

Inactivity Timeout Configuration, Maximum 7200 seconds (2 hours) (GMAIL_TIMEOUT_SECONDS): Field where you should enter the inactivity timeout (in seconds) for the interaction before it is considered inactive.

Service Account Key (GMAIL_SERVICE_ACCOUNT): Field where you should enter the Google service account key. This key is a JSON file containing the credentials needed for the application to authenticate and securely access Google services, such as Gmail.

Email Labels to Process (GMAIL_LABELS): Field where you should enter the Gmail message labels that the application should process. These labels filter and select specific emails to be handled by the application. Multiple labels can be entered, separated by commas.

Historical Message Order in Executive Interface: Most Recent First (DESC) or Oldest First (ASC) (GMAIL_HISTORICAL_ORDER): This field defines the order in which historical messages are displayed in the executive interface. It can be configured to show the most recent messages first (descending order, DESC) or the oldest messages first (ascending order, ASC).