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Lynn's Severity Levels, Response Times, Support and Escalation

Lynn's Support

Lynn Support centers its experience through a 5x8 global response Customer Care model.

This document contains the Severity Levels, Restoration and Resolution Times, Root Cause Analysis, Customer Care Response Policy and Escalation Form that allows Lynn Support to provide its Customers with the most effective and efficient experience on Lynn Cloud platforms, for On-Premise Agreements contact your Commercial Executive.

Lynn does not commit service levels or credit on problems in third-party services that affect or are the source of the incident. Such third-party services may be, but are not limited to; Azure, Cognitive Engines, Twilio Services, Vonage or also Social Networks such as WhatsApp, Teams, Instagram, Facebook and all other platforms or services that escape their control.

Lynn declares a daily maintenance window whose duration includes 1hr of intervention on Lynn environments. The purpose of this window is to perform infrastructure updates, bug fixes, release new features and general updates to the Lynn core. During this period the platform may present in its performance. This window is defined by mutual agreement with the Lynn application administrator.

Los desarrollos customizados tendrán dependencia del análisis y los acuerdos concernientes a las características de la funcionalidad o customización a implementar, las definiciones sobre niveles de disponibilidad y SLA seran sometido a acuerdo entre las partes. Así como los plazos de marcha blanca y otros alcances acerca de las funcionalidades.

Service Level Agreements

Severity Levels

Severity is defined as the impact an incident has on the customer's ability to do business. Restoration objectives are based on the severity level assigned to an incident.

Priority is defined as the level of importance agreed upon with the partner and is used as a weighting factor when defining the severity level of an incident.


Lynn Support team prioritizes issues according to the following severity and impact level:

Severity Definition Examples
Severity 1 Critical Impact The customer is experiencing a major incident, resulting in an inability to operate more than 80% of one or more Lynn services, this critically impacts their business function. No alternate solution. No interactions are reaching the queue in the configured Lynn chat engine. The Lynn production instance is not responding.
Gravity 2 High Impact The customer can perform work functions partially, the performance of the Lynn services is degraded, or intermittent affecting between 80% and 10% of the operation which has a high impact on their business function. *Interactions are interrupted randomly. *Differences exist between the programmed flow and the behavior of it. *Some or all of the elements of the Lynn administration interface have stopped responding.
Gravity 3 Low Impact The customer's ability to perform operational functions is affected by less than 10%. It can operate, but some Lynn functionalities are not accessible or are unstable. An alternative solution is available. *Missing data in reporting or not being able to access the dashboard. *A user has lost access to the design interface or passwords are blocked.

The characteristics outlined in the table above are used to identify criteria for a Client's case severity. The severity level assigned to an incident can be mutually determined by Lynn Support and the partner during the troubleshooting process, but the team or engineer assigned as Lynn Support will have the ultimate authority when it comes to the designation of actual severity.

Initial Response Times

Our response times are based on the severity level of each incident.

Severity Standard Initial Response Time
Severity 1 Critical Impact Response time: 15 minutes once escalated by the designated contact of your organization, preferably direct contact with Lynn Support.
Severity 2 High Impact Response time: 1 business hour once escalated by the designated contact of your organization via email.
Severity 3 Low Impact Response time: 2 business hours once escalated by the designated contact of your organization via email.

Platform Restoration Time and Incident Resolution Time

The goal of Lynn's Support Team is to restore platform functionality and service as quickly as possible.

Restoration time is the time a customer is affected before platform functionality and/or service is restored, which is based on the impact level assigned according to the severity of the incident.

Resolution time is the time it takes to resolve the root cause of an incident.

Platform Restoration Times

Lynn Support Engineers will strive to restore platform functionality and service within the following restoration times according to the following table.

Severity Restoration Times
Severity 1 Critical Impact From 1 to 4 working hours. (check with ECOMART, LVG).
Severity 2 High Impact 1 working day.
Severity 3 Low Impact 2 working days.

Integrated external services to the Lynn platform will be the responsibility of the integrating party, who must evidence or solve undeclared behaviors for the correct operation of the solution. In case of being administered by Lynn, the Lynn team will inform the details of the management against said suppliers.

For incidents Severity 2 High Impact and Severity 3 Low Impact, in case that the root cause of the incident requires a patch in code for its mitigation, the Lynn team will inform as soon as possible the technical details of the solution and associated time.

Before Contacting Lynn Support

Do the following before escalating an incident:

  • Perform basic troubleshooting actions, support yourself in the Level 1 Support Documentation available in the resource center and in the Lynn Core Certified Developer (LCCD) of your organization.
  • Make sure you understand what problems the Lynn Support team should solve as described in the Service Level Agreements section.
  • Gather the following:
    • Customer Organization Name.
    • Customer Tenant ID and Name.
    • Evidence of the problem and the time it occurred.
    • Description of the problem and its business
    • Test Data to Replicate the Problem
    • The name or id of the session in which the problem was evidenced.
    • Contact Data of the Support Engineer who previously worked on the incident.
    • Contact Data of Lynn Core Certified Developer Engineer from your organization.

Also keep in mind the following:

  • Include any other additional information that can be gathered related to the incident under study.
  • Report each incident separately so that individual tracking of satisfactory resolution can be performed. For best results, avoid grouping incidents into one Ticket.
  • For resolution of critical incidents, a Designated Contact must be available at all times to work with Lynn Support. People designated as Designated Contacts are individualized among Engineers with valid Lynn Core Certified Developer Certification, prior agreement between the Customer and Lynn.
  • Lynn will provide a platform for ticket generation, use of this medium should be made as the main point of opening incidents.
  • Lynn Support team will not attend to non-commercially approved partners, make sure you have this approved milestone.

Contact and Escalate with Support Desk and Support Lynn


If you have an incident that requires assistance, make sure first that you have opened a Support Ticket for your use as a reference point. Also, make sure to indicate the priority/impact on the Ticket. The Lynn Support Team cannot address your concerns until it has been first reported to and properly informed to our Support Desk Team.

La generación del ticket podrá hacerla a través de sistema de apertura de tickets dispuesto por Lynn o al correo electrónico dirigido al correo el cual deberá ser redactado según se indica a continuación e incluir como mínimo los datos que en la siguiente plantilla se especifican:

Email Template (for Opening Tickets at Support Desk)


Subject: Tenant ID Number Brief Incident Statement.


  • Detailed Explanation of the incident: Date and time of incident detection (stating the zone or country the data belongs to). Evidence (Log(s), Screenshot and/or other resources; inserted in the email or as attachments).
  • Customer Name:
  • Customer Country/Region:
  • Impact on Customer's Operation:
  • Justification of Urgency:
  • Product(s) Involved:
  • Social Networks Involved:
  • Contact Data of the LCCD responsible for the case: (Name - Email - Phone).

Note ❕: You can get the Tenant ID Number from the Lynn application root. For Level 1 incidents, please contact us, and if needed, in any of our corporate contact numbers.

Country Help Desk Phone (in Spanish)
Chile (56) 2 2790 9529
Peru (51) 1 635 8614 Option 2
Ecuador (59) 318 0000 0423 Toll Free

Note ❕: For inquiries from other countries or cases escalated by partners, please contact your account executive.

**Whether you contacted us through our Self-Service Portal, phones or by email, the Helpdesk will answer and assign a Ticket Number to your incident. In any level of severity of the incident Lynn recommends self-management and use of their automatic attendance platforms, cases like Service Down or Critical Level 1 Incident can be notified by means such as the phone due to its nature.


1 The initial escalation request should be made through the self-service portal or by email ( to the Support Desk. This request must include a clear and concise description of the incident and the business impact to help the team's attention and give priority to your case appropriately.

2 If you are not satisfied with the level of attention after the submission of the case from the Support Desk, send your urgency to your commercial executive using the email template*.

3 If it is a critical interruption and you do not receive a response from Lynn Support within the times committed in this document, call the telephone support service of our Support Desk (support phone will be in Spanish).

Use and consider the following guidance criteria before requesting escalation of an existing case:

4 Do not escalate for a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) request unless 5 business days have passed as the timeline for its delivery.

5 Please do not escalate based on urgency/impact change; instead, request case priority change as per the following recommendation.

6 If there is a need to change a case to a high priority based on increased urgency or broader impact, work with the case owner to discuss and change as appropriate.

7 If a case has not been updated within the timescales declared in the Service Level Agreement and the case is actively causing a significant impact to the business, you can escalate it via email using the template described.

Email Template (for escalations according to cases 2 and 7)

To: [Commercial executive's mail]

Subject: [Customer name] - Support Ticket Number - Brief Statement of Incident


  • Support Ticket Number:

  • Customer Name:

  • Customer Region/Country:

  • Detailed Description of Incident:

  • Business Impact/Urgency Justification:

  • Product(s) Involved:

  • Your Phone:

  • Your Name:

  • Company you work for:

SLA and Credit

We will make Lynn service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and use commercially reasonable efforts to provide 100% uptime, except for the following “Uptime Exclusions”: (i) occasional downtime for non-business hours (for which we will provide advance notice); or (ii) any lack of availability caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, including your connection to the Internet, any misconfiguration by you or any third party acting on your behalf, problems on your network or telecommunications services contracted directly by you.

However, if the service uptime falls below the following thresholds in a one-month billing cycle (excluding Uptime Exclusions), you may request a credit within thirty (30) days from the month in which the uptime fell below the threshold. Please contact your sales executive to request credit for the base value of the service. Upon approval of the request, we will provide the applicable credit against the next month’s invoice. For annual contracts, we will provide applicable credit refund as credit to the previously paid balance or a credit refund.

% of Availability % of Credit
Less than 99.95% 5%
Less than 99.0% 20%

LYNN does not commit to service levels or credits related to incidents associated with new functionalities released for controlled load testing. These functionalities will be marked with the (preview) badge, which is displayed when entering the functionality, is also declared in the roadmaps and in the resources center (Devlog), and can be used by customers on the platforms where they are released (Development or Production). In case of failure of the functionality, the designated contact can communicate with the factory through a support ticket placing the subject: [Functionality in Preview] - Description.

Note 1: By activity time or service availability is understood as the active state of the set of all services provided on the Lynn platform, not referring to individual functionalities, modules, connectors associated with the system, particular functionalities or other dependencies of third parties.

Note 2: Credit will not be given for services of third parties paid, to mention some: WhatsApp, Facebook, Cognitive Engines, Platforms, Widgets, APIs, and others, as well as developments not made or provided by Lynn and in analysis where it is empirically detected that the origin of the incident was produced by a third party that is not part of Lynn.

Root Cause Analysis (RCA)

Official Root Cause Analysis (RCA) for Platform-level incidents:

Once service is restored on severity 1 incidents, Lynn Support Team will provide a complete Root Cause Analysis (RCA) document to the affected Clients within five business days.

Case resolution summary for non-platform-level incidents:

For isolated severity 1 non-platform-level incidents, Lynn Support Team will provide an incident summary in addition to regular updates. These incidents include but are not limited to BYOB (Bring Your Own Bot) issues, Azure issues, configuration issues, user workstation issues and other isolated incidents.

These incidents are not eligible for an official RCA document. However, Lynn Support will provide a case summary which will include but not be limited to relevant information and updates. Additionally, the summary will include a description of the incident, cause origin or findings, and restoration and/or corrective actions taken, if applicable. This summary will be through Ticket update.

RCA for cases occurring during the use of new functionalities:

An RCA will not be generated when the customer is working or using new (preview) functionalities in production environments unless there is a specific commercial agreement for the use of such functionality in production customers, accepting in advance the possible incidents that may arise.

Cases of severity 2 and 3.

Lynn Support will provide a case summary which will include relevant information and updates. The summary will include but not be limited to a description of the incident, root cause or findings, and restoration and/or corrective measures taken, if applicable. This summary will be via Ticket update.


Lynn Support Engineers must be able to reproduce errors in order to resolve them. It is expected that the Customer and the Designated Contact will cooperate and work closely with Lynn Support Engineers to reproduce errors, which includes performing diagnostic or troubleshooting activities as requested and appropriate. Additionally, subject to Customer approval on a service ticket basis, users may be requested to provide remote access to their system, application or desktop for troubleshooting purposes. It will therefore be the responsibility of the LYNN Customer to provide all necessary facilities for the resolution of a given

Customer Response Policy

In order to maintain a high level of service quality and prioritize incidents appropriately, both the Lynn Support Team and the Support Desk require that all cases be actively responded to by either the Designated Contact or the Customer, as applicable. Cases that have not been adequately responded to within three business days are subject to early closure. Similarly, cases that are in Solution Proposed state, with no reported issues, will be closed at the end of the third business day.

Proactive Notices from Lynn

In order to keep the partner informed of changes in channels, changes in third parties or Lynn's own changes and/or functionalities or platform events, Lynn Support Team will send proactive notices when:

  • The source of the change or information is Lynn.
  • The source of the change or information is from third parties or channels while they are in knowledge of the Lynn Support Team.

In both cases, notifications will be disclosed in the following ways:

  • Via email addressed to your Lynn registered email.
  • Through notices in the Lynn administration interface.
  • Through your commercial executive.
  • Through the page, according to the nature of the information.

Notes ❕ (i) The means of communication to be used will be at the discretion of the Lynn Support Team. Being able to be all, or only one used. (ii) Lynn is not responsible for not informing in advance changes in channels, functionalities, API, platforms or services of third parties that are outside of its knowledge and affect the service and / or the platform.