DevLog Lynn
Third Quarter
Package LC_30036 September 2024 |
New Visualization for Lynn's Graphic ManagerStatus: Released *Description:* Now you can view key indicators of your operation when you first log into your Lynn application. For more details, visit our section Tenant's Initial Dashboard |
Geographical Position Message with Gupshup: Geographical Position SenderStatus: Released Description: This action allows you to send a geographical position event using the specified parameters. Each channel may display the position differently depending on the available technology. Geographical Position Sender |
Attach Files to Your Email with the New Request File ActionStatus: Released Description: This action facilitates requesting, modifying, and deleting files on a cloud server (as long as you have the appropriate permissions or access through shared Azure resources). For example, it can be used to attach a file to an email sent to a client. Request File |
Surveys - New Module of Lynn's CoreStatus: BETA Description: This new module allows designing surveys to gather information on customer or user satisfaction and experience after being attended by the bot or an executive of your organization. Click Here for more details about this new Lynn module. |
Second Quarter
Package LC_30035 May 2024 |
Microsoft 365 MailStatus: Released Description: This service allows access to mail to perform live management through the Lynn application and receive these emails in chat format for interfaces that interact with Kyubo. Service available in testing environment, coming soon to production. For more information, visit our. Microsoft 365 Channel section |
Package LC_30034 April 2024 |
Lynn's Design UpdateStatus: Released Description: The new graphical update of the Lynn platform not only enhances aesthetics but also optimizes usability and navigation. These changes are designed to provide a smoother and more satisfying user experience. |
Widget Configurator Events SectionStatus: Released Description: Features that allow access to more customization settings corresponding to the widget. For more information, visit our Widget Configuration Section |
First Quarter
Package LC_30033 March 2024 |
Proactive Communications - DND Blacklist and Categories ManagementStatus: Released Description: Facilitates the management of a database of contacts previously identified as unwanted or unsuitable to receive certain proactive communications. This includes the ability to record the date and/or duration of their inclusion on the blacklist, as well as the ability to select the campaign or category to which this measure will apply. For more information, visit our Blacklist Management section. |
Proactive Communications - Scheduling ManagementStatus: Available in Testing Description: This new feature facilitates the management of scheduling for proactive communications, allowing the management of time slots for campaign registration execution, possible exceptions (e.g., non-working days), and the number of registrations to be executed per defined slot. For more information, visit our Scheduling Management section. |
Proactive Communications - Automatic Campaign Record Loading via APIStatus: Released Description: Our Outbound API evolves and adjusts to the need to perform automated data transfer processes from a campaign source external to invoke Lynn's API. For more information, visit our Automatic Loading of Records API section. |
Inbound Features - Conversations History (Genesys Cloud)Status: Released Description: This feature provides the Genesys Cloud-connected agent with the ability to view existing conversation history using data obtained from Lynn. The history can be retrieved in real-time, or the agent can select a time period. For more information, visit our Conversations History section. |
Fourth Quarter
Package LC_30032 December 2023 |
Apple MSG BSN betaStatus: Released Description: It is a service that allows our customers to make direct contact with clients using the Messages application. Customers can initiate a Messages for Business conversation by tapping the Messages for Business button at any touchpoint the company has placed, such as websites, mobile sites, emails, brochures via a QR code, or in an iOS app. Lynn has the integration utility of this channel through subscription to service providers such as infobip, standardizing the text formats used in digital communications such as multimedia messages and quick menus. For more information, visit our Apple Business BETA section under Apple Business BETA. |
X Integrations PRO Access betaStatus: Released Description: Lynn's connector opens the doors for companies to connect to up to 20 Twitter accounts per application, available on the X PRO Subscription Integrations plan. For more information, visit our Channel Integrations section under X (TwitterDirect and TwitterMention) |
Designar E3 Interfaces ImprovementsStatus: Released Description: The latest updates in the flow designer include the following interface improvements: * Automatic sorting: Now, the system automatically organizes elements efficiently. * Environment tags on elements: Environment tags have been added that are displayed on elements for clearer identification. * Changes viewer on elements: Now, you can visualize changes made to elements more intuitively through a change indicator." |
Genesys Integration Updates betaStatus: Released Description: We have implemented new functionality to connect with Genesys Cloud. This is an administrative connections panel that simplifies the management of credentials and connections, making them available for use in any of Lynn's application layouts. General Connections Manager ![]() |
Third Quarter
Package LC_30031 August 2023 |
Lynn Monitoring APIStatus: Released Description: The new API provides customers with the ability to access data analytics to obtain information about the overall status of Lynn and its connector, as well as the health status of all incoming requests from various channels to Lynn's connector and the health status of all outgoing requests from Lynn to the various channels configured for the application. For more information, please visit Lynn Monitoring API |
Element Flow SignalingStatus: Released Description:Now, each element within the flow designer displays signaling icons that allow you to understand the element's status and the description of that status. This provides developers with the ability to determine necessary corrective actions and adjustments. For more information, please visit our section on Flow designer Flow Designer Element Signaling Tool. |
Package LC_30030 julio 2023 |
Campaign Records Visualization (Beta)Status: Released Description: Campaign management tool now includes enabled buttons for administration and downloading of campaign records. This feature, in its BETA version, allows accessing details of each record directly from the campaign's data view. These details can be downloaded in a .CSV file, providing information on the latest status of the records, thereby supporting decision-making and enhancing campaign effectiveness. |
Second Quarter
Package LC_30029 June 2023 |
Menu Details Graph - Reports ModuleStatus: Deprecated ⚠️ Description: This graph allows you to track the total usage quantities of each menu option. However, this graph is only available for validation of historical data prior to 01/07/2023. After this date, the information provided by this graph is included in the New Data Visualization Panel. |
New Data Visualization Panel - Reports ModuleStatus: Released. Description: This data visualization panel is an addition to the default reports offered by Lynn. It provides visualizations specifically focused on managing and inspecting responses from menus. For example, it includes hit counts on menu options, session traceability information, attempt marks, as well as details of menus with accepted and non-accepted responses. For more information, please refer to the Reports section. |
Dialog Extension Module ReviewStatus: Released Description: The ability to rearrange multiple dialog deployments using the "drag" button has been added, allowing the determination of the order in which the dialogues are displayed. |
Package LC_30028 Package May 2023 |
Improved graphical interface of the flow designerStatus: Released Description: These improvements will allow our developers to have a more optimized interface. They are described below: Changes in the flow diagram - Change in the main Tenant figure. - The testing and production environments appear in the main Tenant figure (depending on where the Tenant is deployed). - The environment where the developer is located is highlighted in the main Tenant figure. - You can check the history of each element (Edit, PAP, Create). - Added a tag to identify the environment in which the elements are located. Orange Background: Unsynchronized element. Green Background: Synchronized element. If the tag doesn't appear, the element is not present. - You can delete a layout that you are not using without having to reload the entire diagram. - The icon for entities has been changed to "@". - Elements can be deleted from any environment. Channel visualization - All channels of the Tenant are displayed (testing and production). - Now the channel services are editable in all environments. - The channels also appear in the extension modules in all environments. - Channel configurations are only editable in the environment where they were created. In a different environment, only the configurations can be viewed. Element locks in the flow - The lock status is shown for each environment, and elements cannot be edited in testing and production. They appear as locked in red. Limits on elements in the diagram - Only 400 elements are allowed per layout. - It is not possible to copy or create a layout with more than 400 elements. - The count of 400 elements per layout does NOT include channels. - For layouts that already have more than 400 elements, no more than 300 elements can be added. - For layouts that already have more than 400 elements, a table will appear where you can separate your layout. AutoLayout function (automatic rearrangement of elements in the diagram) You will have the option to arrange the elements in your layout. Deployment to production - Change in the organizational figure. Users are no longer shown, and the PAP of the tenant is separate from the widget and cognitive elements. - A user PAP is not necessary (a user has the same permissions in all environments). |
Integration with Azure AD B2C AuthenticationStatus: Released Description: Azure Active Directory B2C provides enterprise identity to customer as a service. Your customers use their social, business, or local account identities to obtain single sign-on access. Lynn can integrate with Azure Active Directory B2C to offer a secure and personalized authentication experience to users. |
GPT-3 Chat + Cognitive RecognitionStatus: Released Description: Allows running configured intents in cognitive models, together with GPT-3 training. For more details, visitChat Open AI |
Report Desks by CategoriesStatus: Released Description: The new reporting module of Lynn is now available with dashboards that display information by categories. For more details, visit Reports |
LC_30027 Package April 2023 |
New Distribution of Contextual Action MenuStatus: Released Description: You will now see a new distribution of the contextual menu for actions, intents, and cases that is more explanatory and improves the visibility of your flow while you work. Available in the testing environment. |
New Visualization of Action ConfiguratorStatus: Released Description: Now you can enjoy a better distribution of labels and configuration options for actions, intents, and cases in your flow, providing easier navigation among the options to configure. You can also switch back to the old visualization by simply pressing the change view button. |
First Quarter
LC_30026 Package March 2023 |
New Location - Maintenance Window SetupStatus: Released Description: The maintenance window strip configurator can now be accessed in this new location. These time slots will be used as a reference for performing updates on the application's own modules. You can now find it under the Tenant Administration icon (the gear ⚙️ next to the tenant number), then click Maintenance and select a time range. |
New Method - Contact List UploadStatus: Released Description: A functional improvement that now allows you to upload a contact list using a template that you can create and use. This template also creates the .CSV template that you can fill with your contacts. For more information, click HERE. |
LC_30025 Package January 2023 |
New GMAIL channelStatus: Released Description: GMAIL channel is added to Lynn's channel offer, with this new channel incoming and outgoing emails to G-suite mailboxes can be managed. Check more information HERE. |
Hindi language support (preview)Status: Released Description: The interface now presents support for Hindi language in its functions and views, as well as in the Lynn design elements. |
New Report Role (preview)Status: Released Description: A new role is added to Lynn that allows configuring a Report role user with which it will only have access to report visualization and its controls. |
Design elements and controls improvements (Preview)Status: Released Description: Visual aids for designer elements are included, user channel descriptors are added to each channel identification element. Additionally, new controls are added to navigate between views and utilities to and from the design interface, create new entities on occasion of action management, among others. In addition, control of tables and list of data presentation of the Lynn manager is homologated. |
New Actions: New action for Open AI Chat Integrations (GPT3) (Preview)Status: Released Description: A new Cognitive category action is added allowing integration with Open AI AI APIs, adding the possibility to integrate Free conversational features and trainings based on the corpus offered by the tool, including classifiers. New Async JSON Web Request Action (Preview)Status: Released Description: Allows the execution of calls to external REST services with HTTP verbs asynchronously, offering the possibility of minimizing the response wait times of services passed to the conversation. New Await JSON Web Request Results Action (Preview)Status: Released Description: Together with Async JSON Web Request it enables the loading of the results of the invoked services in the corresponding entities, responses from multiple Async calls can be managed. New Action Create Awaiting Behavior (Preview)Status: Released Description: Enables creation of overflow flows against input requests, this based on a previously configured time. This will basically allow other cases to be triggered and skip the input request. New Action Cancel Awaiting Behavior (Preview)Status: Released Description: Allows all Awaiting Behaviors to be interrupted, regardless of human action. This will force the flow to skip the input request and move on to the next action. New EMail Behavior Action Get Message (Preview)Status: Released Description: Allows native integration of mail channels, specifically the get message action allows the reading of fields from an incoming mail that originates a session, being able to read the subject, body, mail identifiers, among others and assign them to entities. (Initially Gmail). New EMail Behavior Action Commit Message (Preview)Status: Released Description: Manages the sending of outgoing messages to mailboxes with a native Lynn interface, together with Email Behavior Get Message, they form the model of the Lynn Native Mail Communications solution. New Check Facebook Comment can reply with direct message (Preview)Status: Released Description: Allows verifying that the proactive process of Comment to MSN is allowed for this interaction. |
Reinforced Elements: Direct Channel Deflections (Preview)Status: Released Description: Procedure to enable the scheduling of campaigns with cross-channel support to address deflection cases such as (FB wall to MSN, Voice to WhatsApp, Twitter Mentions to MD, among others) is released. This is subject to the restrictions of the social networks. Proactive Subjects to PaP (Preview)Status: Released Description: Now proactive configurations are subject to traditional management between environments, with actions and other resources that share proactive utilities being able to view read-only associated productive resources (e.g. channels) in development environment. |
Fourth Quarter
Package LC_30024 December 2022 |
New sections and tools: Divisions and Views (Preview)Status: Released Description: Basic division operator functionality is added, which allows an application to be divided into divisions, enabling segmentation of graphics, pricing, and associated channels. New Graph Model (Preview)Status: Released Description: A new data management engine is incorporated which includes a new version of ELK, the concept of graph desks is introduced, basically they are work spaces with preconfigured and structured visualizations with a specific purpose of data exploitation. New Pricing Tool for Admins (Preview)Status: Released Description: The pricing management panel is renewed, simplifying the presentation of transaction information and implementing visual aids on its origin by channels. Improvements of Design Elements and Controls (Preview)Status: Released Description: Visual aids are included for designer elements, user descriptors of the channel are added to each channel identification element. Additionally, new controls are added to navigate between views and utilities to and from the design interface. In addition, the control of tables and presentation list of the Lynn administrator are homologated. Improvement to Designer View Manager (Preview)Status: Released Description: The ability to reorder the “labels view” visualization tabs is added by dragging and dropping the tab into its new relative order. |
New Action: Integrations Open AI (GPT3) (Preview)Status: Released Description: A new Cognitive category action is added that allows for integration with Open AI APIs, adding the possibility to integrate the functionalities exposed by OpenAI in its API (Classifiers, Translators, Semantic Analysis, Emotion Analysis, Transformations, List Generators and much more). QnA Maker 2.0 (Preview)Status: Released Description: A new action is added that implements the new Microsoft QnA 2.0 version. New Action “Create a contact list” (Genesys Cloud) (Preview)Status: Released Description: Get more information about this action HERE New action "Query a list of contact lists" (Genesys Cloud) (Preview)Status: Released Description: Get more information about this action HERE |
Reinforced Elements: Microsoft LUIS Integration Connector, allows version selection.Status: Released Description: The ability to select the version of the connection key to MS LUIS is added. Internal dependencies managing GUI component requestsStatus: Released Description: The dependencies that manage GUI transactions to internal components are reviewed and updated, optimizing memory management. |
Paquete LC_30023 noviembre 2022 |
KYUBO - Connection status iconStatus: Released Description: Allows visualizing the connection status of the executive position. This facilitates identifying possible connection problems towards the Lynn core. |
KYUBO - Conversation historic exploration toolStatus: Released Description: Facilitates the exploration of historics associated to an interaction, providing the possibility to select the amount of days of historical data associated to the session criteria(phone, ID, @user and other). |
Paquete LC_30022 October 2022 |
Download conversation transcripts from Widget (beta)Status: Released Description: Allows enabling the download of the transcript of a conversation. This is enabled only for Lynn Widget channel. |
Audio Channel Sandbox (beta)Status: Released Description: Allows testing of audio channel on the Channel Sandbox tool. For more information Click HERE |
Tenant Assets Summary Download Button (beta)Status: Released Description: Allows enabling the download of information of the elements that make up the Lynn application design. |
Third Quarter
Package LC_30021 August 2022 |
SSML Enablement for Voice Integrations (beta)Status: Released Description: Enables SSML language + Text Expressions in Lynn's flow editor, this to play out messages in Voice integrations, which makes it easier to specify playback settings parameters for each message. |
Lynn V4 - Optimization of Session CreationStatus: Released Description: Powered by the latest version update of Core Lynn, session creation times have been optimized, allowing for faster messaging with Lynn. |
Lynn Voice ImprovementsStatus: Released Description: Various optimizations for perfecting voice session frames handling, for response time reduction, in the order of 400-800ms (Core). |
Selection of Elements for Production StepStatus: Released Description: Allows selection of elements to be included in the management of a production step from the design interface flow in Lynn. |
Lynn - Optimizations for Open Messages PC IntegrationStatus: Released Description: Implements improvements aimed at marking and ordering of asynchronous messages through the “tagging” technique, which allows for improved order of messages passing through the Core for this type of asynchronous integrations. This feature is currently enabled for instances deployed in North America and in development tests in other regions. |
Package LC_30020 August 2022 |
Extension Module - Visual EnhancementStatus: Released Description: Improves the visual experience of the extension modules window, achieving a better display of the text in the configuration values and drop-down lists, greater amplitude between each configuration value. The visual styles in these windows were homologated and finally the descriptors of the configuration values were updated: |
Package LC_30019 July 2022 |
Lynn v4 -S1Status: Released Description: Includes version improvements of the Lynn Core, updating its code support capabilities and releasing new elasticity features that translate into better response times and greater overall stability in high traffic scenarios. |
Open Messages - Proactive Hooks - BetaStatus: Released Description: Allows sending messages with the session ended, using the proactive communications module supported on a campaign. |
Centralized content administration between environmentsStatus: Released Description: Will enable the administration of Lynn module configurations between environments. |
Second Quarter
Package LC_30018 June 2022 |
Messaging Enhancement Package for LMCStatus: Released Description: Consists in the optimization of LMC messaging management that will allow better traceability of messages and lower resource usage. |
Sandbox of Proactive Compatibility ChannelsStatus: Released Description: Now Channel-oriented Sandbox has the ability to manage proactive messages. Read more... |
Content Centralized Administration between Environments - BetaStatus: Released Description: It will enable the administration of Lynn module configurations between environments. |
Lynn DevLogStatus: Released Description: Lynn development log is a record that accumulates a summary of declared functionalities and improvements and is published as a new section of the Lynn resources center. Read more... |
Lynn Case Use (CU) ProductsStatus: Released Description: Lynn Resources Center document space launch where useful use cases, success cases and their elements and features will be published to be replicated. Read more... |
LC_30017 Package April 2022 |
Maintenance window configuratorStatus: Released Description: Allows to define maintenance windows so that continuous updates can be made to solution modules. |
Channels SandboxStatus: Released Description: Channels oriented sandbox, available for all tenants.Read more.... |
Integrated flow save and recovery functionalityStatus: Released Description: When managing a Lynn flow passage to production, a copy of the flow state with recovery capability will be automatically managed. |
Complex Channel Automations E2 BetaStatus: Beta Description: Allows automating recognized as complex configurations for inscribing operational scopes with Lynn in an automated way (Meta FB Messenger Channels, Meta FB Comments, Meta Instagram Comments, Meta Instagram Messenger*). |
First Quarter
Package LC_30016 March 2022 |
Centralized Content Administration Across Alpha EnvironmentsStatus: Alpha Description: Will enable config management of Lynn modules across environments. |
Centralized Content Management Across EnvironmentsStatus: Released Description: Will enable the management of Lynn modules configurations across environments. |
Automation of Complex E2 Alpha ChannelsStatus: Alpha Description: Will allow automated configurations of recognized complex setup for Lynn's operation scope enrollment (Meta FB Messenger Channels, Meta FB Comments Channels, Meta Instagram Comments Channels, Meta Instagram Messenger Channels*). |
Sandbox of Beta Channels (New Channels)Status: Released Description: Channel-oriented Sandbox available to all tenants. |
Lynn Voice ToolsStatus: Released Description: New tools in the Lynn interface to manipulate the voice channel. |
Package LC_30015 February 2022 |
Central Administration of Content Between EnvironmentsStatus: Released Description: Available for the administration of Lynn module configurations between environments. |
Alpha Channels SandboxStatus: Alpha Description: Available for the administration of Lynn module configurations between environments.Read more.... |
E2 Complex Channels AutomationsStatus: E2 Description: Will allow to automate configurations recognized as complex for scope registration with Lynn in an automated manner. |
Package LC_30014 January 2022 |
Data Component Attachment for PureCloudStatus: Released Description: Enables the possibility to incorporate an alternative file upload script to PureCloud resources, increasing its capabilities. |
Beta Cognitive Actions ImportStatus: Beta Description: Allows the import of contents associated to an intent in a cognitive engine such as dialogs, available for IBM and DialogFlow. |
Alpha IG Direct (IG Messenger) ChannelStatus: Alpha Description: Adds Instagram Direct Messaging as a channel available in the Lynn Channels Integrator. |
Alpha Channel SandboxStatus: Alpha Description: Channel-oriented sandbox, available for all tenants. |